Means for penis enlargement - what rules should be followed: precautions, general recommendations. Popular modern products and methods.

Methods of penis enlargement
Despite the declining stereotype that size matters, representatives of the strong half are looking for new ways to increase their dignity. The genital organ grows in two parameters - thickness and length.
- Equipment includes attachments, weights and vacuum. The last method involves sucking the penis using a pump. There was no reliable information about the effect of this method.
- Manual techniques are performed by a man using his own hands. The procedure can add from 1. 5 to 3 centimeters.
- Thanks to surgical intervention, it is possible to correct more deficiencies and complete correction is carried out. In addition to cosmetic problems, malfunctions in the reproductive system are also eliminated.
- Exercises are prescribed only by a doctor and are performed under supervision at home. The first results appear after one to two weeks.
- Creams and ointments.
To decide which penis enlargement products are the best, you should consider the most affordable ones from the list.
Enlargement with gels, creams, ointments

Using different tools, the effect obtained is different from each other, divided into three groups:
- It is used before sex (lasts up to three hours).
- Used for a long time, the effect is long-lasting.
- Practiced as an adjunct to therapy, they have a helping effect on the genital organ while maintaining the healthy functions of the reproductive system.
The use of the cream itself only guarantees blood flow to the penis, therefore, without creating favorable conditions, effective enlargement is impossible.
Side effects

Products cause negative consequences only in three cases: allergy, improper use and poor quality.
The following symptoms are often complained of:
- erectile dysfunction;
- nausea, vomiting;
- dizziness;
- weakness, weakness;
- discomfort in the groin area (itching, burning, tingling);
- rash, rash;
- the appearance of pathological phenomena (for example, ulcers) on the skin and on the head of the penis.
Therefore, to avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to follow the instructions, carefully choose the medicine and consult a specialist.
Traditional methods

Penis enlargement using folk remedies is a popular but specific method because it includes many nuances.
Home conditions require the ability to:
- Use of cargo. The method is old, because it was practiced by ancient Indian tribes. The penis stretched to a large size (about forty centimeters), but due to incorrect executions, the ability to reproduce in the future was excluded. There are many opponents of this method due to the high incidence of injuries and the difficulty in choosing the optimal weight.
- Special massage. This method of building a pen is recommended to start at an early age, when the body begins to grow and is easy to change. The downside is the length of the procedure. To achieve the desired result, a teenager should devote forty minutes to the procedure, and an adult - 2. 5 times more. Execution must be regular.
- With the help of plants. Herbs are chosen depending on their effect (stimulant, tonic). The technique has an important advantage: the penis not only visually becomes larger, the herbs affect its functions, help improve erection, the state of the reproductive system and have a beneficial effect on potency.
Folk remedies for penis enlargement should not be used without consulting a doctor.
This threatens the appearance of other dangerous symptoms, for example, irritation, allergic reaction, injuries, tears, rotations. Eliminating problems of this type will be much more difficult and expensive.
- "After 35 years, problems with potency appeared and I began to worry even more about the size of my penis. I immediately fell on the condom, sometimes during sex. There was little sperm. My wife turned a blind eye to it, and I practically stopped feeling likeman. When I went to the doctor, I learned that my problem is easily solved and that special means must be used to maintain the condition. I recommended a gel based on extracts of Peruvian maca, thistle, lichen and bitter weeds. I did not have toI waited a long time for the effect; the first results appeared two weeks later. The erection lasted almost twice as long as usual, the orgasm was brighter, the penis stronger. Sexual desire has increased several times. After recommending it to friends, I noticedthat they had the same effect, so I can safely say that this gel is the best medicine for penis enlargement. "
- "As a teenager I had a complex about the thickness of the penis and this was especially pronounced with my older friends. When I started relationships with girls, some partners openly said that they were not satisfied with their size and the relationship ended. Now I decidedto surprise my wife and diversify my sex life. For this purpose I turned to a urologist. He recommended to look at your lifestyle, add more sports and use herbal teas as a supplement. The blood flow to the penis increased and hebecame bigger. Sensations during sex are more intense, potency has improved. In addition, to increase the effect for a short period during sex, I use plant-based lubricants with a stimulating effect. For example, with ginkgo biloba extractThanks to this, it is possible to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
- "The size of my penis is 16 centimeters in erection. Throughout my life I have faced many difficulties related to this: for sex I had to choose positions to bring pleasure to myself and my partner, psychological discomfort, simulation of orgasms fromgirls. Due to the large number of complexes, I consulted a doctor about this problem. He advised me to first visit a psychotherapist and then recommended massage. The technique surprised me with its simplicity and I tried it at home; the procedure takes about30-40 minutes. I strictly followed the written guide and after three weeks I saw the first results: I could control my erection better, sex and masturbation were more pleasant and my penis seemed bigger. Thanks to the psychological help, I became moreconfident in myself and I got rid of my complexes. In addition to massage, I practice the use of auxiliary creams that affect important components: they guarantee sufficient blood flow, normal ejaculation and a healthy appearance of the penis. I recommend that everyone use not one, but several methods that will complement each other, be sure to use them regularly. "
Penis enlargement using different methods requires compliance with a number of rules that are important to remember in order not to harm your health.
Despite the reviews, each situation is individual, so before practicing any of the methods, you should discuss the decision with your doctor to avoid allergic reactions and side effects.
Instructions should be read before using the medicine. Particular attention is paid to the composition, shelf life, indications and contraindications, possible side effects.
The use of only one drug is not so effective, the therapy is carried out in combination.